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In the mining areas there are new machines, called ‘Brazilian dragons’, which enhance the damage thanks to the power of their suction motors. With these ‘dragons’ the artisan divers sweep the river beds to take the bottom material to the hoppers installed in the slabs. But they not only suck the soil, but plants, fish and underwater ecosystems that are key to their reproduction.

Surrounded by water that they cannot drink and fish that they should not eat, of 15 species of fish that are in Choco, 11 of them are infected with mercury "levels not permissible for human consumption"

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Soil degradation begins with the definition of areas of interest from prospecting, when forests are cut down, and machinery such as dredgers and bulldozers, which remove the soil and the economically important sterile layer. When these materials are removed uncontrollably over large areas, without proper management or disposal techniques, it eventually results in sediment loads in rivers. Scientific and sociological research document regarding the impacts of mining activity and the illicit exploitation of minerals, in the ecosystems of the Colombian territory there is a consequent affectation of water quality due to cyanide and heavy metal discharges. The current situation shows a loss of forests and an increase in eroded soils. Thus, the inappropriate use of mining extraction techniques has generated negative impacts on biotic components, mainly affecting vegetation, water and soil.(Mosquera, 2019)

Despite the above, and considering that other economic activities represent a greater percentage of value added for Antioquia, the impact of mining on the ground is evident, because when removing the physical resource soil formed by millions of years is destroyed, which alters its quality and affects the ability to support biological activity and water regulation. The same activity pollutes with chemicals, fuels, lubricants and by disposal of waste, sterile and rubble; leaving aside any environmental management scheme current; thus among the most common effects are those caused by mercury and cyanide compounds emanated to the ground. The initial poisoning situation created by mercury can affect the different levels of structure and organization of the body; the effect can be on a molecular, organelle, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems.(Mosquera, 2019)



Mining devastates the surface of the earth, modifies the morphology of the land, the places where mining is done suffer two major and main problems, the first is that for the future it will be impossible to plant something there, since the land remains sterile, the second is the formation of lagoons with the material that is discarded and causes the death of many species since they think that it is water in which they can bathe, but they end up intoxicated. (Camacho, 2017).

In addition, they drive away the fauna that lives in that environment because of the noise generated by all the machines, which can cause an imbalance in the food chain of the ecosystem, and due to air and water pollution. There is also air pollution, that with residual dust or toxic fuels, on the other hand, there are residual gases from cyanide, mercury, sulfur dioxide. (Camacho, 2017).

Regarding the flora, mining eliminates all the vegetation in the area, and in nearby areas it causes partial destruction or modification (Camacho, 2017).

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