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A cocktail complex in which the lack of stronger regulations, the entry of guerrillas and criminal gangs to a business that today is up to 20 times more profitable than coca, are mixed, paving the way for backhoes and dredgers that today multiply by thousand damage caused by artisanal extraction over decades.

Medical researchers have found at least fifty people with damage to the central nervous system, one of the most sensitive to the toxic metal. Loss of memory, irritability, insomnia and involuntary movement of the limbs are some of his ills. There is also a higher rate of kidney damage patients there than in the regions of the country where there is no gold mining.

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Children often swim in the small man-made lagoons where the beautiful appearance of the blue and green waters hides the presence of mercury, cyanide and gasoline discarded by the miners.

Another point to take into account is that one of the products of illegal mining is unemployment, lack of training and ambition of workers. Clearly, people who have families and are unemployed are going to look for their daily sustenance.

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